How To Program A Virus In Python Do I Always Have To Type

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Nov 29, 2011  computer virus, hacking, hacks, php, programming, virus. How to Create a Computer Virus. November 29, 2011 I was sick (and bored) this week, and my brain didn’t want to do any work. I was laying in bed with a cold/flu virus, thinking about modern day computer viruses while shaking my head in disappointment (or virii for the 90’s hackers.

  1. How To Program A Virus In Python Do I Always Have To Type Lyrics
Posted by3 years ago

I have a strong background in SEO(Search Engine Optimisation) and Online Marketing. I'm very good at analysing data and finding solutions as well as being able to figure out how something works. I worked in several web agencies and freelance as an SEO and have been able to learn how to promote a product very well.

Although this has been good for me and I did fairly well I've also suffered and struggled with having Aspergers, which meant holding down a job properly was difficult. I have to work to my own hours and I need to follow my interests in order to be the best I can be.

SEO is fantastic, but I recently found that coding is something that fits in better with my way of working and I find I can sit here for hours just absorbing information and being creative.

Even though I have no degrees or qualifications in computer science I know that I can push forward and pick up coding fairly easily.

I've decided that I want to create and sell software of my own making for various different niches. One of the main niches I've identified as being lucrative and interesting is business of creating some automation bots for online computer games.


To test myself I created a bot in the simple AutoIt language. Althought it is coded in AutoIt, the bot is quite complex and stretches 3k-4k lines of code. I learnt a lot while coding this bot and I'm already selling it for small amounts of money to the small community which play the game.

I still have a lot to learn but I know that I will be able to figure it out and work at my business 12-16 hours per day as I have been for the past few months.

My next step is to move over to Python and begin learning to program using its syntax.

My idea for a start to the business is to begin researching some potentially useful programs which I could create and learn from while coding. One of my ideas was a different implementation of 'ClipDiary', a program which stops users from losing their work or what they just typed should they accidentally press the back button on their browser or something similar. This would be a good start to learn programming GUIs with Python but I don't see it making any decent money short term.

The other possibility is to simply look for more games I can program automation with, setup a website and some social groups and begin selling it on small subscriptions.

I think this is a good strategy as long as I get my research right(The game bots) but I would like to sell other types of software too, useful tools and better implementations of some existing programs.

I understand that Python is not the best language for compiling etc but there are always workarounds and I would much prefer to work with a language like Python than getting deep into C and taking too long to write something that is much more simple to express in Python.

If you have any comments or advice for a newbie like me i'd greatly appreciate it.

How To Program A Virus In Python Do I Always Have To Type Lyrics